Lighting Designs
I have had the wonderful opportunity to light some truly amazing shows and with some fantastic people. I treat light as another character in the show. It helps tell the story, sets the mood and creates time, season and location. Below are some of the designs I am most proud of over the years.
Romeo and Juliet
The concept for this show was post-apocalypse. The venue was a 250 seat modified thrust with a tension grid over the deck and two electrics batons over the upstage area.
Production Company: Blue Valley North Theatre Scenic Design: Cynthia Evans Lighting Design: Jeremy Riggs Costume Design: Grace Brunner Direction: Jeremy Riggs Equipment: ETC Ion Console 24 - 19 Degree Source Four ERS 26 - 26 Degree Source Four ERS 30 - 36 Degree Source Four ERS 18 - WFL Source Four PAR 18 - MFL Source Four PAR 12 - Chauvet COLORDash PAR Quad 18 25 - Altman 75Q 8" Fresnel |
Photo credit: Bob Compton
Bring It On
High energy, thumping show. I used more lights and cues in this show than I ever had. It was supposed to feel like a rock concert. We also had three large LED video walls. I created some of the video content as well as the lighting. This show was selected to transfer to the International Thespian Festival in 2019.
The venue was a 1000 seat theatre with 4 onstage electrics, one FOH catwalk and 2 box boom positions. Production Company: Kansas Thespians Scenic Design: David Tate Hastings Lighting Design: Jeremy Riggs Video Design: Lonnie Holley & Jeremy Riggs Choreographer: Marc Wayne Direction: Edward Shafer Equipment: ETC Ion Console 11 - 19 Degree Source Four ERS 22 - 26 Degree Source Four ERS 18 - 36 Degree Source Four ERS 24 - WFL Source Four PAR 4 - Chauvet Intimidator Hybrid 140SR Movers 8 - Chauvet PixM moving Strips 8 - Chauvet COLORBand PAR 7 - Chauvet COLORDash Par Quad 18 8 - Chauvet COLORado Batten 144 Tour 4 - Chauvet COLORBand PixM USB 12 - Colortran 6" Fresnel 5 - Altman FocusCyc Sky 3 2 - Altman Comet Followspot |
Photo credit: Vivian Nazzaro
Kiss Me Kate
Broadway style, high-energy musical. 850 seat theatre, with four onstage Electrics batons, and 25 flexible batons. Two FOH catwalks and two side box positions.
Production Company: Blue Valley North Theatre Scenic Design: Cynthia Evans Lighting Design: Jeremy Riggs Costume Design: Ahia Thomas Choreography: Megan Case Direction: Jeremy Riggs Equipment: ETC Ion Console 14 - 19 Degree Source Four ERS 40 - 26 Degree Source Four ERS 14 - 36 Degree Source Four ERS 4 - 50 Degree Source Four ERS 18 - WFL Source Four PAR 28 - WFL Source Four MultiPARStrips (3 Color) 12 - Chauvet COLORDash PAR Quad 18 25 - Altman 75Q 8" Fresnel 12 - 16" Scoops 5 - Arena High Performance 10" Fresnel 2K |
Photo credit: Bob Compton and Vivian Nazzaro
The Nerd
The concept was to create a 1990s, multi-camera, Sitcom style show.
The venue was a 250 seat modified thrust with a tension grid over the deck and two electrics batons over the upstage area. Production Company: Blue Valley North Theatre Scenic Design: Cynthia Evans Lighting Design: Jeremy Riggs Costume Design: Sarah Ault Direction: Jeremy Riggs Equipment: ETC Ion Console 10 - 19 Degree Source Four ERS 22 - 26 Degree Source Four ERS 10 - 36 Degree Source Four ERS 4 - 50 Degree Source Four ERS 5 - Two Cell Cyc Lights 18 - WFL Source Four PAR 20 - Altman 75Q 8" Fresnel 2 - Arena High Performance 10" Fresnel 2K |
Photo credit: Bob Compton
One Man, Two Guvnors
British farce - selected to transfer to the International Thespian Festival in 2018. Very simple lighting setup
The venue was a 250 seat modified thrust with a tension grid over the deck and two electrics batons over the upstage area. Production Company: Blue Valley North Theatre Scenic Design: Cynthia Evans Lighting Design: Jeremy Riggs Costume Design: Priyanka Neupane Direction: Jeremy Riggs Equipment: ETC Ion Console 10 - 19 Degree Source Four ERS 18 - 26 Degree Source Four ERS 10 - 36 Degree Source Four ERS 18 - WFL Source Four PAR 15 - Altman 75Q 8" Fresnel |
Photo credit: Bob Compton
This show was done in the style of Theatre of Cruelty. There were no seats in the theatre, Furniture, various trash and more was suspended from the grid all over the theatre and the floor was covered with thin layers of dirt. We also used video as light sources with two projectors throwing on the playing space and one on the wall.
The venue was a Black Box with a full grid and catwalks through the entire space. Production Company: Olathe South Theatre Scenic Design: David Tate Hastings Lighting Design: Jeremy Riggs Costume Design: Tam Osgood Direction: David Tate Hastings Equipment: ETC Expression Console 8 - 19 Degree Source Four ERS 14 - 26 Degree Source Four ERS 12 - 36 Degree Source Four ERS 8 - Shakespeare 15-36 Zoom ERS 8 - Chauvet PixM moving Strips 8 - Chauvet COLORBand PAR 12 - Colortran 6" Fresnel 3 - Epson 2K Projectors |
Photo credit: Bob Compton
This show was done in an abstract style, similar to the traditional Our Town. There was no real set, but it was created through lights and sound. This show was selected to transfer to the International Thespian Festival in 2016
The venue was a 1000 seat theatre with 4 onstage electrics, one FOH catwalk and 2 box boom positions. Production Company: Olathe South Theatre Scenic Design: Jeremy Riggs Lighting Design: Jeremy Riggs Costume Design: Tam Osgood Direction: David Tate Hastings Equipment: ETC Expression Console 11 - 19 Degree Source Four ERS 17 - 26 Degree Source Four ERS 14 - 36 Degree Source Four ERS 16 - WFL Source Four PAR 8 - Chauvet PixM moving Strips 8 - Chauvet COLORBand PAR 12 - Colortran 6" Fresnel 5 - Altman FocusCyc Sky 3 |
Photo credit: Bob Compton